
Become a Member

Join the club

We are always proud to welcome new members here at Forster Tuncurry Golf Club.

Full Playing Rights
Full Playing Gold
Full Playing Silver Plus
Full Playing Silver
Intermediate 2 Playing (24-34 years)
Intermediate 1 Playing (18-23 years)
Full Playing Veteran (over 80 years)
(conditions apply – see below)
Junior Playing (1-17years)
Restricted Playing Rights
Bronze Playing
Country Playing (outside 100km radius)
Social Playing
House Member (5 years)
House Member (1 year)


All fees include GST, Subs, Affiliation Fee and Insurance Levy (where applicable)
Pay by the month available (conditions apply)

(Renewing members can receive an on time bar credit if payment received by 28 February)

Other Fees
Golf Cart Storage (electric)
Bike Storage
Golf Cart Storage (petrol)
Golf Clubs Storage (includes locker)
Annual Cart Licence Fee
Locker Fee (without club storage)

Full Playing Member:

Full Playing Member classification will be divided into three sub-classifications:

a) Gold – This sub-classification is designed to encourage and reward the golfer who plays upwards of 120 games per year.

b) Silver – This sub-classification was previously Full Playing 

c) Bronze – This sub-classification is designed as an introductory membership or for those members who, due to personal circumstances, are playing fewer games of golf throughout the year. 

Intermediate #2 Playing Member:
24 - 34 years

Pursuant to Rule 10.7(e) of the Constitution a member under this classification is a person who:
  1. Has attained the age of twenty-four years (24) but who has not attained the age of thirty-five (35) years as at 28 February in the year in which he/she applies for, or renews their Intermediate #2 Playing Membership or transferred from another category of Ordinary Membership;

  2. Fees for the time being will be as listed in the Membership Price Schedule.

Intermediate #1 Playing Member:
18 - 23 years

Pursuant to Rule 10.7(f) of the Constitution a member under this classification is a person who:
  1. Has attained the age of eighteen years (18) years but who has not attained the age of twenty-four (24) years as at 28 February in the year in which he/she applies for, or renews their Intermediate #1 Playing Membership or transferred from another category of Ordinary Membership;

  2. Fees for the time being will be as listed in the Membership Price Schedule.

Junior Playing Member:

Pursuant to Rule 10.7(g) of the Constitution a member under this classification is a person who:

  1. Is under the age of eighteen (18) years as at 28 February in the year in which he/she applies for, or renews their membership;
  2. Fees for the time being will be as listed in the Membership Price Schedule.


Playing Members may upgrade their membership at any time during the year.  An application for transfer will have to be submitted to administration.

The Annual Subscription, green fees, and cart hire fees  applicable to All Playing Members will be determined by the Board from time to time and published on the Club’s Website and listed in the Membership Price Schedule.

Social Playing Member:

Pursuant to Rule 10.7(i) of the Constitution members under this classification will be subject to the following special conditions and restrictions:

1. Must have attained the age of 18 years;

2. May not compete in Club golf competitions unless conditions of play determined by the Match Committee specifically allow for Social Playing Members to enter;

3. Will not be eligible for a Golf Australia handicap;

4. May be granted access to vacant slots within competitions at the discretion of the Golf Professional and Match Committee and if allowed must respect other players and keep up with the pace of competition play.

5. May be given access to book in to timesheets 3 days in advance;

Fees for the time being will be as listed in the Membership Price Schedule.

Veteran Playing Member:

Pursuant to Rule 10.7(d) of the Constitution a member under this classification is a person who:

1. Has been a Full Playing Member of the Club for at least 10 years (accumulative);

2. Has attained the age of eighty (80) years as at 28 February in the year in which he/she applies for Veteran Playing Membership;

Fees for the time being will be as listed in the Membership Price Schedule.