Support Forster Tuncurry Golf Club

The Australian Sports Foundation (ASF) is a not-for-profit organisation that was established by the Federal Government in 1986 to raise money for Australian sport. Over the past 30 years, the ASF has helped clubs and organisations from the grassroots and community level, to professional and elite national level, and individual athletes to fundraise for sport. It has helped raise over $300 million in additional funding for Australian sport, which has resulted in more opportunities for people to participate in sport at all levels.

The Forster Tuncurry Golf Club is one of the many clubs and organisations that has registered with the ASF. This allows tax deductible donations to be made towards the support of the club. Donations to the club can be made online or by mail.

If you would like to support the Forster Tuncurry Golf Club, please consider making a donation to the ASF. Your donation will help the club continue to provide opportunities for people to participate in golf and other sports in the community.


Have any questions you can simply give us a call or email us today!

How Can You Leave a Bequest to Forster Tuncurry Golf Club

Many people take the opportunity when making or updating their will to give something to an organisation or sport that they have enjoyed throughout their life. Typically, there are three ways to do this:

  1. Nominating a percentage of your estate: You can nominate a % of your estate to be bequeathed to Forster Tuncurry Golf Club (ABN 42 000 952 492).
    For example, you could leave 10% of your estate to the club.
  2. Nominating a fixed amount:You can also nominate a fixed amount of money to be bequeathed to the club. For example, you could leave $5,000 to the club.
  3. Nominating the residual: You could also leave the residual of your estate to the club, which means that anything that is left over after all other bequests have been made would go to the club.

A suggested form of bequest should you wish to leave something towards golf development programmes at the club is:

I give and bequeath the larger of either the sum of $______ or _____% of my estate, free of all deductions to Forster Tuncurry Golf Club Ltd (ABN 42 000 952 492) to be utilised for club improvement programs (i.e. new projects) and the receipt by any one of the Directors for the time being of Forster Tuncurry Golf Club Ltd shall be sufficient discharge to my Trustees.

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